Third Party Cyber Security Risks

Third Party Cyber Security Risks A third-party vendor is any outside or external entity that an organization does business with. This includes suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, business partners, affiliates, brokers, distributors, resellers and agents. From an IT perspective, they often fall under the service provider or affiliate areas. Organizations often have to share data or…

malware analysis

4 Methods of Malware Analysis

As described by Mr. Lenny Zeltser, malware analysis can occur in 4 distinct phases. These steps and methods are listed in order from easiest to hardest. They are: Fully Automated Analysis Static Properties Analysis Interactive Behavior Analysis Manual Code Reversing Fully automated analysis involve the use of tools that scan files and produce reports on…

Data Breaches

Data Breaches What is a data breach? Generally, a data breach is a security incident where digital information is accessed or taken in an unauthorized manner. Enterprise risk management explains that there are five types of data breaches: Malware Phishing Password Attacks Ransomware and Denial-of-Service Malware is software whose purpose is to harm a device…

Loyphish-Malicious Software

Loyphish – Malicious Software PWS:HTML/Loyphish.G, more commonly referred to as Loyphish, is a type of attack that involves visiting a phishing page, which is a malicious webpage used to steal your login credentials. It belongs to be a member of the PWS:HTML/Phish family. In most cases it disguises itself as a legitimate banking webpage and attempts…


Ransomware-Malicious Software

Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their computer systems, either by locking the system’s screen or by locking the users’ files via encryption unless or until a ransom is paid. Security experts have warned that ransomware is the fastest growing form of computer virus. Like other computer viruses, it usually finds…