Organizational Culture – Is it really that important?

Organizational Culture – Is it really that important? Organizational Culture Organizational culture refers to an organization’s expectations, experiences, overall philosophy, as well as the values that guide employee behavior, and is expressed in member self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations. Culture is based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written…

malware analysis

4 Methods of Malware Analysis

As described by Mr. Lenny Zeltser, malware analysis can occur in 4 distinct phases. These steps and methods are listed in order from easiest to hardest. They are: Fully Automated Analysis Static Properties Analysis Interactive Behavior Analysis Manual Code Reversing Fully automated analysis involve the use of tools that scan files and produce reports on…

Data Breaches

Data Breaches What is a data breach? Generally, a data breach is a security incident where digital information is accessed or taken in an unauthorized manner. Enterprise risk management explains that there are five types of data breaches: Malware Phishing Password Attacks Ransomware and Denial-of-Service Malware is software whose purpose is to harm a device…

Self-Driving Trucks Coming Soon?

Self-Driving Trucks Coming Soon? Do we need humans to drive or could a computer do better? Look no farther than self-driving trucks. We will probably find out in the next few years, because multiple companies are now testing self-driving trucks. Although many of the technical problems are still unresolved, proponents claim that self-driving trucks will…